Welcome to CryptScript.com
Update:5.24.2023 Cryptscript was a random project I did back in 2010, the site is still mostly functional, but
no active development has been done since 2011. Only small updates to the code to try & keep it working with
newer software running on the server. If for some reason anyone reading this has actually been using this
site still, please backup your data. I might rewrite this whole site soon.
You might want to know what is it? Well its like having a text file you can get to from
any computer, any place encrypted in the cloud.
- Store text data encrypted in the cloud.
- Random Pass Gen and Show My IP page under the "more" link on the top nav ^
Security Features
- All data is sent over SSL.
- All text data stored is encrypted AES-256.
- Only a hash of your master password is stored in the database.
- Supports JavaScript AES encryption using a 2nd password, so your data can be encrypted even before
going through the SSL connection.
- Auto logout after set time.
- Custom login attempt settings, you can set how many attempts you get and what happens if you go over.
- Account Log, you can view the last time and IP you last logged in from and also view the last failed
login attempt time and IP.
- One time PassCodes, you can print a list of random PassCodes to use in addition to your master
password to help protect against keyloggers.
Q & A
Q: What happens if you quit running this service?
A: Never keep all your data like passwords in one place the best thing to do is download
something like locknote to keep a copy of your passwords local
so if something ever happen to this service you will not lose your passwords.
Q: What happens if I forget my master password?
A: You can't view your data we don't save the master password so there is no way we can reset it for you.
Q: What is the "when cleared" option in the login timeout drop down?
A: You will stay logged in until the loggout button is pressed or the web browser is closed or cookies cleared.